
Sveriges Begravningsbyråers Förbund

On this website you will find more information on what it means to be an authorised firm of undertakers. Here you will also find all of Sweden’s authorised firms of undertakers.
Read more: Sveriges Begravningsbyråers Förbund


What wishes do you have for your funeral? Who do you want to inherit your estate? Do you have life insurance that would pay out after your death? Filling in Livsarkivet [the Life Archive] is primarily an act of concern for your relatives. It is for the purpose of not leaving them in uncertainty the day you can no longer express your wishes. In Livsarkivet you can note down information on important documents (for example a will, cohabitee agreement, insurances), as well as your wishes as regards to organ donation and end of life care. You can also fill in your wishes regarding how your funeral should be arranged. Here at E. Nilssons begravningsbyrå you can receive help to fill in your life archive.
Read more: Livsarkivet

SBF’s Music and Verse website

Here you will find verses and music.
Read more: SBF:s Musik och Vers webbplats

Here you will find obituary notices thank-you notices online.
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Fredahl Rydéns

Fredahl Rydéns is our manufacturer of products for the funeral industry.
Read more: Fredahl Rydéns 

Nilssons stenhuggeri

Read more: Nilssons stenhuggeri