
Judaism is a world religion and one of the oldest known religions. Judaism is sometimes called the mother-religion of Christianity and Islam and it is symbolised by the Star of David. There are approximately 20,000 Jews in Sweden. When a Jew passes away they shall be buried as quickly as possible. Preferably within 24 hours. Members from the Jewish funeral congregation comes to collect the deceased who is brought to the chapel for a religious cleaning ceremony before the body is placed in a very simple coffin with no metal components.

Only burial exist within Judaism and the communities have their own burial grounds. The coffin is draped in a pall featuring the Star of David. There are no flowers, instead mourners are encouraged to make a charitable donation. On the first anniversary of the death the headstone is set.


Good to be aware of:

  • Common to have separate burial grounds
  • Only one set of ashes in the grave
  • Simplicity
  • Simple coffin, preferably without any metal components

Read more: http://www.begravningar.se/att-ordna-begravning/olika-begravningsformer/judendomen.